![]() Answerline provides 24/7 live coverage for small & large companies. Computerized message taking includes message delivery via fax, pager, voice mail, cellular and e-mail to name a few. Instantly, your personal name and instructions appear on the operator's screen. Our customer service reps know who you are, where you are, when you will be back, and what to do with your call. Calls are dispatched per your instructions. Our system is supported by an uninterrupted power supply, therefore we keep operating even in the event of a power outage. Order Entry: We have a commitment to bend over backwards for our clients. Your satisfaction in handling your order taking needs is priority for us. We consider it a team effort, and our customer service reps are trained on your service or product to where it is a win-win situation. We approach your callers like you do, able to follow your customized script, up-sell, and field customer service questions. For clients who sell via the internet, we can also help with overflow calls, order processing, and reduce the need for additional in-house staffing, 24 hours a day. Customer
Service and Help Desk: We offer
total solutions for customer support. We make it our responsibility to
make sure we provide service that goes beyond what our clients expect.
While utilizing technologies that are ever-changing, we become an
extension of your business, dedicated to portraying that lasting
positive impression. Event and Seminar Reservations: We provide 24 hour coverage to take your reservations for upcoming classes, seminars, lodging, or any scheduled event. This eliminates you having to worry about full time staffing, or purchasing additional telephone lines or equipment. Dealer
Locates: We
are the main communications hub for your callers needing referrals. They may need to know the
closest location to a retail or other business, directions, business
hours, or advertised specials. It
allows you to advertise 24 hour availability, with minimal cost. Web Support: So much is changing in the internet world today! Answerline is a perfect fit for your web based business. Your customers often need the support of a live agent at any hour, whether be it to complete their order, or answer questions related to your service or products. Our customer service reps can access your site directly to help with this process. Call or email us today to find out how we can best enhance your individual web business! Contact us so that we can provide you with answers to all your telephone management needs! |